The majority of Collector’s Editions released this year contained a figurine – Skyrim is not an exception either. It comes in a very large box, which is covered with a paper sleeve showing one really nice artwork on its sides. The oversized and heavy packaging predicts there is something special inside.
After opening the box, you can get your hands on the hardcover art book, which is the most beautiful album WE have ever seen. Its surface is covered with black leather and the Skyrim’s logo on the front – some parts have a worn effect. The contents are also interesting: you can see high-quality pictures about different locations, enemies, and weapons. Its overall quality is stunning, so WE can say it is best collector’s edition art book till date.
The game itself comes in a digipak, which is a very usual release. The sleek and shiny paper easily collects your fingerprints, and it isn’t resistant to smaller damages, so you need to be very careful with it. Another negative thing is that you can only see the basic Skyrim logo on each sides. In addition to the game disc, you will find a map printed on a very interesting paper (the standard edition includes it also), and a “Making of…” DVD, which holds different interviews and behind-the-scenes videos.
The Skyrim CE’s most compelling item is the Alduin statue, which comes in a separate box. It is 30.5cm high and an extremely detailed figurine, where even the smallest parts looks stunning. The stand is made of cheap plastic, but it doesn’t detract from the fact that the statue itself is the most beautiful collectors’ item this year.
Published by: Bethesda Softworks
Region: PAL
Release date: 11-NOV-2011
Release price: £129.99
Platform: PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Contents: Collectible packaging, Hardcover art book, Digipak (game disc, „Making of…” DVD, map), Alduin statue.
Szeretném a segítségeteket kérni!Ezt a gyűjtői kiadást már egy hete keresem netszerte, de, ha találtam is, akkor aranyáron.Az lenne a kérdésem, hogy PS3 verzát lehet-e valahol emberi áron beszerezni?És, ha igen, akkor hol?
Előre is köszönöm a segítségeteket!
Az a helyet, hogy hivatalosan 20-30db érkezett Magyarországra, ami előrendelésben el is fogyott, igy elég ritkaságnak számit itthon ez a gyűjtői kiadás.
Nekem teljesen megfelel külföldről is, de 50000Ft alatt akkor sincs…Mindegy, majd kiderül.Köszi a választ!
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