Lady Vashj was the first female deluxe figure in the DC Unlimited series, but in our opinion it is still one of the best looking WoW statues till date. It does not come in a clamshell packaging, but in a collectible box, which is decorated with some shiny parts. As you can see on the pictures, Naga Monster’s details are unbelievable, and its overall quality is also superb. Pack includes some accessories, such as a sword, a bow, an arrow and a stand, which help stabilize the figurine. Lady Vashj is our favorite item, and it is the most important member of the collector’s shelf.
Manufacturer: DC Unlimited
Release date: 04-JUN-2009
Height: 25,5 cm (10″)
Weight: 625 g
Packaging: Collectible box
Item number: DCC27872
Accessories: stand, sword, bow, arrow.
Price: $49.99, £24.99.