The newest World of Warcraft expansion pack has been finally released and the Collector’s Edition is also available. It still comes in a huge box, but the content hasn’t been changed since the Burning Crusade, so this can be really disappointing for the collectors.
The sealed collectible items are delivered in a heavy cardboard box. The bonus DVD comes in a separate box as usual, which includes the newest developer interviews, Cataclysm intro video and a special Warcraft retrospective examining the rich gaming history of the universe. The soundtack CD comes in a jewel case and has 17 tracks. Next to the normal edition game you can find one 60-card deck of the World of Warcraft Trading Card game with 2 exclusive hero-cards. The artbook is the biggest piece of the package, which presents the Cataclysm and the 2 new races on 176 pages. Last piece of the package is a colorful mousepad, which is only available in this Collector’s Edition. As a final gift players will receive a miniature Deathwing upon activating the CE serial number.
Released by: Blizzard
Region: PAL
Release date: 07-DEC-2010
Release price: £59.99
Platform: PC
Contents: Collectible packaging, Normal edition game, Bonus DVD, Soundtrack CD, 176-paged artbook, Mouse pad, WoW Trading Cards, Ingame minipet.
Ha nem lennék/lettem volna lenullázódva pénzügyileg, gondolkodás nélkül bezsákolnám. Eszméletlenül gyönyörű és minőségi kiadás!
Kétségtelen, hogy igényes kiadás, viszont elviseltem volna, ha a Blizzard kicsit több energiát fordított volna a tartalomra, és nem csak a klasszikus WoW cuccokat pakolja bele a dobozba, mint már azt tette a Burning Crusade és a Lich King esetében.