WE loved LittleBigPlanet, because it was one of the most creative games of this console generation. Unfortunately we can’t tell the same about the press package, because it’s a little bit mediocre in the press kit category.
The pack comes in a canvas bag with a zipper on the top. Inside you can find only a brochure; the pages were made of recycled paper and held together with a regular string. Every single page has nice-looking artworks and some important information about the game itself. The last section of the brochure holds the game disc and the media disc full of LBP assets.
Released by: SONY
Region: global
Release date: (EU) 05-NOV-2008, (US) 27-OCT-2008
Release price: N/A
Platform: PlayStation 3
Contents: Brochure, Game disc, Media Disc.
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