Infamous 2 was announced a few a days ago, so WE thought it’s a good time take some photos of the first episode’s special edition.
WE rarely meet with such a beautiful digipak release, where every small piece is nicely detailed. You can discover colorful comic-like artworks on every side; it’s perfect. Inside the box beyond the game disc and the user’s manual you can find a small and thin, 10-paged artwork booklet and a DLC voucher to unlock a new special ability. The only thing WE could wish for was a bigger art book, but even with the one included this package is still a must-have.
Released by: SONY
Region: PAL
Release date: 29-MAY-2009
Release price: £49.99
Platform: PlayStation 3
Contents: Collectible packaging, Game disc, Art book, Downloadable content.
nagyon jó kis gamé volt.
Én most kezdtem el pótolni, de marhára nem győzött meg. Ez az open world nem nekem való, de azért még próbálkozom vele.
This looks awesome. The coverart reminds me of the average Grand Thef Auto design.
Szép kiadás, jó játék. Kár, hogy nincs meg 🙁
I love it!
I have this one 😀