WE were expecting something special from the latest SONY game. Luckily the review version arrived to our editorial, so it’s time to show you what does it look like.

The square shaped package is made of hard cardboard which is tied together with a short string. After unfolding the jewel case-sized box you can discover artworks of in-game characters, surprisingly the disc holder part is covered with wet bloodstain.

This time WE didn’t get a press kit overwhelmed with tons of extras like in case of MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, but WE got one of the most unique media kits ever.

Released by: SONY
Region: global
Release date: (EU) 24-FEB-2010, (US) 23-FEB-2010
Release price: N/A
Platform: PlayStation 3

Contents: Game disc, Media disc.

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  1. DARK_SEIYA on

    This press kit is a very nice one but “Uncharted” (first) and “InFamous” are more collectable i think. If you need pictures I have both of them. Three of them actualy, including Heavy Rain LOL

    I have also (press kit):
    KillZone 2 – PS3
    Resistance 2 – PS3
    Siren Blood Curse – PS3
    WipEout HD – PS3
    Ratchet & Clank – PS3
    Patapon – PSP
    KillZone Liberation – PSP
    Tekken Tag – PSP

    I’ve got many other but I’ve sold them.

  2. Pingback: Kötsögök | Bateman.hu

  3. Pingback: Geek Life – Based on a true story » Blog Archive » Eyepet/Invizimals: Shadow Zone Press Kit Unboxing

  4. @Michael It’s hard to judge, since press kits are not available in retail. You can buy press kits on eBay sometimes for $20, sometimes for $200. It’s up to you, how much you are willing to spend on them.

  5. Pingback: Console [GEZ] Press kits en CE's - 9lives - Games Forum

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